William Ray Guevara was born Tuesday, September 11th 2007 at 10:38 pm. He weight exactly 8 pounds and was 21.5 inches long. I was in labor for 24 hours and had to push for 1.5 hours. He decided he wanted to look at my leg while coming out instead of looking down like he should have. My midwife didn't realize that until he was almost completely out and had turned properly the rest of the way on his own. John was an amazing support to me. I don't know if I could have done it without him. He even stayed for the epidural though he hates needles. No I am not a hero. I wanted pain meds. My mom will not let me live that down.
The Monday night before our friends Dan and Val came over for dinner. I noticed at one point that I had started contractions. I just wasn't sure if they were rhythmic or not. Though I was in a bit of pain I stuck it out all the way through dinner. After they left John

and I started timing my contractions. They were about 9 minutes apart. I called the advice nurse to see what I should be doing. She basically told me that if I can hold of till they are 2-3 minutes apart that would be best. So we went to bed. Around 5 am I decided to call the hospital to tell them I was on my way. I was worried because for the last month they have really been watching me for preeclampsia. We finally arrived at the hospital at 6am and were sent to triage. This is normal because they want to make sure your are ready to be admitted. This is also where I found out that if I would have checked my messages on my cell phone I should have been admitted they night before to be induced because they didn't want to chance the preeclampsia anymore. John wasn't too happy with me because of that.
It wasn't until about 10 am that I finally made it into my birthing room. It was a busy day at the hospital. About 5 nurses, 1 anesthesiologist, and a few doctors and midwives later I was feeling really well and it was time to push. By then my epi had warn off and so did the booster. I was extreamly happy to have my midwife on duty when I gave birth. I didn't like her when I first got her at kaiser after my first one left but honestly she was another driving force for me.

My parents were at the hospital as well as Dan and Val. It was really cool having people around to greet William into the world but after all of that I was ready for sleep. We didn't get into our postpartum room until 2 am and I was hungry. After a late night snack I feel asleep for a little while.
I was only in the hospital a total of two days. I think they would have probably let me stay longer but John really wanted to leave.
1 comment:
I love the pics. Thanks for sharing them with me Megan...Mrs. Tucker (aka Tami)
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