Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More baby info

So as I said before, we have seen and heard baby's heartbeat. I have yet to feel baby move. I can't wait for that. I lay there at night while John is asleep hoping to feel something. Occasionally I get scared at the bed shakes when the cat jumps up to play. Pudge, the cat, loves to sleep on the baby. When I am on my back she is right on tummy. And if I am on my side she is right where the baby would be. It is like she knows what is going on and wants to be a part of it. She doesn't leave my side most afternoons that I am home alone.

Back to baby, currently I have a changing table, a set of crib bedding (lamp and mobile included) and some toys. I am looking for a crib and just about everything else. I was really excited about getting my changing table. It is really nice and sturdy and only cost me $15. I got it at a consignment sale. There is another consignment sale coming up starting April 27th at Oaks Park. Here is some information on it.
Spring 2007 Sale!
April 27-29, 2007
The Oaks Amusement Park
7100 Oaks Park Way

The 27th is a pre-sale for new moms, consignors and volunteers. That is when I am going.
Anyways, that is what is going on in my life and the life of my baby. Back to work so I can earn more money to spoil him or her. : )

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